Shrines and Personal love letters
Starting this off by saying, I am no different than the masses lmao and I am a huge shuake fan, to the point of insanity. Deciding to buy P5R back in October 2022 solely because of them, so much love and care have I found in these two silly little guys lol. I'm huge on shipping in general, although I neglected it for so long, my heart nutures a love for romance in fiction (disregarding my aromanticism). I personally find it the most deep connection, even to write myself, in short, I like romance because of all the nuances it can hold within itself. When an online friend of mine at the time had become a persona fan themselves as well as a shuake fan, something about them instantly clicked for me. Loved their designs, they just fit so aesthetically together lol and as an aesthetic myself, once again, it just clicked for me. I was in the summer of seventh grade at the time, going into eighth so the media I consumed and the people I met around this time all had a really big impact on me and even changed the way I viewed and interacted with it. Mostly invested in the game because of how much I loved Akira's design (he is so gender!) I ended up becoming more of an Akechi fan, although I hate to admit it, he just means so much to me! And with things like that, my view on the game as a whole really changed as I entered ninth grade and well.. let's say, it wasn't the greatest experience of my life lolol.